Friday, May 23, 2008

knit how to cast on

Knitting threads or yarns are used to create cloths or warm cloths. Ordinarily, stitches are knitted in the same order in every row, and the wales of the fabric run parallel and vertically along the fabric.

In general, yarns become stronger with more twist (also called worst), longer fibers and thicker yarns (more fibers); for example, thinner yarns require more twist than do thicker yarns to resist breaking under tension. On the wrong side, the ends of the loops are visible, both the tops and bottoms, creating a much more bumpy texture sometimes called reverse stockinette. Patterns and pictures can be created in knitted fabrics by using knit and purl stitches as "pixels"; however, such pixels are usually rectangular, rather than square, depending on the gauge of the knitting.

In securing the previous stitch in a wale, the next stitch can pass through the previous loop either from below or above. Although knitting may be done with ribbons, metal wire and more exotic filaments, most yarns are made by spinning fibers. These all are regarding small fabric, but if you are working with large fabric, then it is most probable that you will forget about the stitch then for this purpose there are many tools, for counting the stitches, identify the number of specific row or stitch which will cover circular stitch markers, hanging markers, extra yarn and counters.

So why make it more difficult for yourself by choosing small size needles and tiny yarn to learn with? Plenty of finished knitting projects never use more than a single colour of yarn, but there are many ways to work in multiple colors.

Keep YOUR knitting on the "Cutting Edge" with FREE patterns. Not only will this provide a nice social outlet, but your new knitting friends may also be able to help you locate and use new knitting patterns and new ideas for knitting projects.

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