Anyone who has anything to do with knitting will know the importance of knitting yarns. Let me start by introducing you to the five stitch types that I believe are at the very heart of knitting!
The process of knitting has three basic tasks, the active stitches must be held so they don't drop, these stitches must be released sometime after they are secured and new bights of yarn must be passed through the fabric, usually through active stitches, thus securing them. Different methods of casting on are used for different effects: one may be stretchy enough for lace, while another provides a decorative edging Provisional cast-ons are used when the knitting will continue in both directions from the cast-on. I drain the water, squashing the sweater into the bowl to get rid of the water.
One of the earliest known examples of knitting was finely decorated cotton socks found in Egypt in the end of the first millennium AD. Egyptian artifacts and art have led many historians to credit the creation of knitting as a way to design clothing to the Egyptians. Once you have cast on, hold the knitting needle with the cast on stitches in your left hand.
The third needle type consists of circular needles, which are long, flexible double-pointed needles. A tie is visible at the left; after untying, the hank may be wound into a ball or balls suitable for knitting.
Keep looking around this site for lots of tips, patterns, resources and ideas. To do a yarn-over after a knit stitch, just bring your yarn across your work from the back to the front.
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