Sunday, March 23, 2008

crochae knitting patterns

Knitting is no longer only for grandmothers or just any mothers. Let me start by introducing you to the five stitch types that I believe are at the very heart of knitting!

Knitters have developed methods for giving the illusion of a circular wale, such as appear in Celtic knots, but these are inexact approximations. Such needles are usually 10-16 inches long but, due to the compressibility of knitted fabrics, may be used to knit pieces significantly wider. Egyptian artifacts and art have led many historians to credit the creation of knitting as a way to design clothing to the Egyptians.

Plants used for fibers include cotton, flax (for linen), bamboo, ramie, hemp, jute, nettle, raffia, yucca, coconut husk, banana trees, soy and corn. The two stitches are related in that a knit stitch seen from one side of the fabric appears as a purl stitch on the other side. You can knit blankets for the elderly in cold climates, "comfort dolls" to comfort children with AIDS in Africa, or hats and scarves for the homeless.

There are many knitting guilds and other knitting groups or knitting clubs. Not only will this provide a nice social outlet, but your new knitting friends may also be able to help you locate and use new knitting patterns and new ideas for knitting projects.

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