Sunday, March 30, 2008

free bitty baby knit or crochet patterns

Knitting consists of loops called stitches pulled through each other. In very simple cases, knitting can be done without tools, using only the fingers to do these tasks; however, knitting is usually carried out using tools such as knitting needles, knitting machines or rigid frames.

A second potential difficulty is that the knitted piece will slide off the tapered end of the needles when unattended; this is prevented by "point protectors" that cap the tapered ends. If a person has never knitted before, they should start out with something smaller like a hat or a towel. It can be used to create many types of fabric, from framed knitting artwork to sweaters, afghan quilts, throws, blankets, mittens, or even bedroom slippers.

A key factor in knitting is stitch definition, corresponding to how well complicated stitch patterns can be seen when made from a given yarn. Many knitters first become interested in the craft so that they can create blankets for their friends and family. You could end up so good at it, and love it so much that you could start your own business.

Keep looking around this site for lots of tips, patterns, resources and ideas. Once you learn the basics of knitting, you will want to continue progressing to more advanced stitches and knitting patterns.

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